Have a great adventure diving into Aoko’s favourite colour blue!

Blue light mixed with red light creates pink light.
Blue paint mixed with pink paint makes a nicer purple than mixing red with blue because red is too close to yellow on the pigment spectrum.
Blue is the least common colour in the foods we eat.
The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth.
Cyan paint mixed with pink paint makes blue paint.
Blue and yellow are complimentary colours and when mixed will create a neutral colour.
Chefchaouen is a city in Morocco that is painted blue.
Before synthetic ultramarine blue pigment was used, artists worked with the stone lapis lazuli to create blue paint.
The iridescent blue colour of the blue morpho butterfly doesn’t come from pigment. It is the result of microscopic scales on the backs of their wings, which reflect light.
The term “blue moon” doesn’t mean the moon will appear to have a blue colour. It is referring to the frequency of full moons in a period of time.