Skylar knows cyan can take us into a world of wonderful sights!

Cyan is often defined as a bluish green but it is its own colour and when mixed with magenta or pink, makes blue.
The word blue has been used for many different colours, including cyan but cyan and blue are different colours.
The pigment phthalocyanine has the word cyan in it but art supply companies often label the paint phthalo blue, which is confusing.
Paradise tanagers live in South America and are also referred to as yeri yeri because of the sound they make.
Turquoise is one of the world’s oldest gemstones.
Blue light mixed with green light will create cyan coloured light. The colour cyan cannot be mixed by combining blue and green paint.
The sky looks cyan and blue because of certain light wavelengths bouncing off dust and water particles in the air.
Bats are the primary pollinators of the jade vine.
Robins lay one egg per day for four days. Unlike many other birds who lay eggs early in the morning, robins wait until mid-morning.
If a blue-footed booby looks like it is laughing, it is actually overheated and cooling itself down.